“Give your baby the best start!” The ads for Lovevery‘s play kits certainly know how to tug at the heartstrings.
The first sign you’re pregnant might be the sudden influx of baby-related ads on social media. Facebook knows there’s a bun in the oven even before you do, it seems – must be the pheromones. And the ads that got me were the ones for Lovevery’s curated, Montessori-style play kits… I might be pushing 60 when my kid graduates high school, but at least I have the money to get him bougie toys. I’m not the only one, either: most playdates in the neighborhood are surrounded by the same wooden toys.
But you know what? They might be pricey, but Lovevery play kits are worth it. I look forward to getting a new box every couple months, and baby plays with them more than anything else.
Of course, even though they are always high quality, not all Lovevery toys are equal. At least for my little dude, there are some play kits and even specific toys that have gotten way more mileage than others.
So, in the tradition of geeks everywhere, I will rank the toys of each play kit in a tier list, and finally rank each kit as a whole.
We’ll start with “The Looker” – the first play kit for babies 0-12 months.
I’m using two main criteria:
- Baby obsession: did it capture little dude’s attention and get me some peace?
- Staying power: little dude is a year old now… did this toy provide fun past its recommended age?
Black & White Mittens
Adorable, eye-catching, designed to get those brain neurons firing. And… yawn. The only thing this toy developed is little dude’s commitment to not being contained. Oh boy, does putting something on his hands make him mad.
Baby obsession? Only if hatred is an obsession. Staying power? No, although he still rips other mittens off.
Tier Ranking: E. Overall a flop, at least for my little gremlin.
The Mobile
This might have been a winner if I was the kind of mother to set up a perfectly designed nursery before baby was born. However, was not this kind of mother before he was born, and afterwards, who had the time? The mobile is cute, though: black and white on one side and color on the other.
Baby obsession? No. Staying power? It’s still in storage.
Tier ranking: F. Just wasn’t for us.
Black and White Card Sets
Now we’re getting interesting. I think this play kit comes with eight different cards – it’s hard to know for sure as these are still scattered around my house. It’s hard to believe a simple black and white pattern can be so interesting, but these blew my newborn’s mind.
Baby obsession? Definitely. Could stare at them forever. Staying power? Not so much, but they still look pretty cool.
Tier Ranking: A. Excellent for newborns, but not a ton of staying power.
Standing Card Holder
The real star of this play kit. This displays four of the black & white cards and can hold more too. It’s perfect for baby in their larvae / cute potato era because it keeps them entertained in the crib or during tummy time. Best of all, it fits things from later play kits plus stuff you can add yourself! As I write this, I realize I can print some photos of family members and pop them in this holder for my now-toddler.
Baby obsession? Definitely – just switch around the images to keep it interesting. Staying power? Yes, because lots of options.
Tier Ranking: S.
Wooden Book
Fulfills my aesthetic beige mom fantasies… but this didn’t do much more than look very stylish in my playroom. Essentially does the same as the black & white cards, but for some reason not as entrancing to my little guy.
Baby obsession? Not really. Staying power? No, but so cute I can’t really stand to put it away.
Tier Ranking: D. Skates by on looks.
Sensory Links
Basically punching bags for babies, if you hang them from something like the Lovevery Play Gym. When little dude discovered his hands, he spent several weeks just beating the shit out of these. I’m sure they are responsible for his rippling biceps now.
Baby obsession? Definitely. Staying power? They kept his interest until he started to crawl.
Tier Ranking: S
Silicone Rattle
One one hand, it’s a pretty basic rattle. (Really? This highly researched play kit comes with a… rattle?) On the other hand, it makes a fun sound, is something for baby to practice holding, is great for chomping once teeth start coming in, and later it’s just a fun ball!
Baby obsession? Sort of. Staying power? Yes. My one year old still plays “self fetch” with the ball.
Tier Ranking: A
The Rankings:
Final Verdict: The Play Kit
Look, The Looker isn’t the best Lovevery kit. But also, babies this age don’t really do much. And besides, you’ll have fun opening this before baby arrives, and it’ll feel like an early parenting win setting up these fancy toys.
Final Tier Ranking: B. Your baby will probably enjoy a few of these, but there are better play kits to come.